pátek 12. dubna 2013

Cute vintage tea set

I don't have so much things from my parent's childhood. Dad didn't give me something, it is pity, i would like to have it like my treasure, you know, maybe have it hidden in box but still, have something :-( From my mother's childhood i have some things, and from the time when she was 17 :) this small tea set i have in granma's house but i am gonna to take it to my home.....

i don't know if it is possible but when i have something in my granmas house, so it disappear one day. I used to sending my things there from when i was kid, because i wanted to have it in future, i didn't throw it away.  But now i know that it was mistake...everithing what i sent here is almost everything lost, not there...if dad threw it, or granma gave it to someone, i dunno...but it myke me sad a bit...cuz i am vintage lover, that were my memories :-( hmmm...

so when i visit granma's house next time, i will take it with me.....for sure, and i will never send there my things and memories again.....

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