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- Vždycky jsem chtěla chytač snů, ale buď jsem si ho zapomněla koupit, nebo jsem je nikde nenašla. V dnešní době je internet plný návodů, jak si věci udělat doma, tak co bych kupovala...
(I always wanted my own dream catcher, but i never had luck....for some reasons like they didn't sell it, it was expensive or i didn't find it. In this time, internet is full of advices how to make own craft..so why waiting? )
- Doufám, že tím neurazím žádnou kulturu mno...nedávno jsem četla na stránce J. Devlin, jak jí mnoho lidí kritizovalo za to, že se nechala vyfotit s indiánskou čelenkou, plnou peří. Prý tím uráží jejich kulturu to co oni dostanou za statečnost a jen na speciálních ceremoniích...s tím ona se vyfotí jen tak....že nemá úctu.
(i hope that someone would not to be anry because my DIY...that i will not offend any culture because this. I read on one side how people was angry that one singer (J. Devlin)gave photo with native american headband where were a lot of feathers....people were disappointed that she doesn't care about other cultures. In their culture man always got feather fot his braveness and action and feathers they got only on special ceremony where they celebrate it....and she would not just wear it for nothing when she didn't know...)
- myslím si, že to je blbost, v dnešní době, kdy inspirace čerpáme z celého světa, a každá věc má svoji symboliku a význam, je nesmyslné to takhle rozebírat a dělat zbytečná omezení. Důležité je přeci, že je to "něčím víc" pro ně.....jak by to pak vypadalo kdyby každý národ řekl, mno....nesmíš se fotit v kimonu....nesmíš se fotit v tom a tom....proboha jsme jiné době...
I think, it is stupid...in this age, when inspiration is neverending, where fashion have no borders.... fashion is full of symbols,it is old fashioned. The most important is that their culture is important for them (and i don't think at all that they care so muche about their culture how they talking...so why they are all drunkers?)When every country would be against wearing their folk costume...what we would wear in the end? hahaha...it would not exist "dolly kei" "mory style" at all
- ...možná, že příště zkusím vytvořit i tu indiánskou čelenku ...a světe propadni se
..maybe..next time will be working on native american headband DIY ... i don't care...
- peace ♥♥♥
(potřebuješ jenom drát, špagát, mušle, peří)
(you need just wire, twine,seashell, feathers...)
it is really easy...i think i will have room full of dream catchers hahaha....
OdpovědětVymazathere is video, from which i was inspirated
ju huuuu super
OdpovědětVymazatděkujuuuu :-)