neděle 5. května 2013


Tak jsem vytáhla tátův starý fotoaparát, koupím film a zkusím to. Mno samozřejmě to bez pomoci asi nepůjde, přeci jen s tou mojí zrcadlovkou je všechno jednodušší, ale opravdu jsem zvědavá jak fotky budou vypadat. Kéž bych měla i "temnou komoru" mno nějak to vymyslím a hlavně vše ozkouším (chci si pořídit ještě starší fotoaparát ...časem..a polaroid  taky)

(so i found father's old photo camera Praktica, i am really curious how will look photos from it. I need to buy film to the photo camera (i dunno if black and white or colored), photos when are used old photo cameras are more cool for my opinion, u can see real personality of people, you can see what is behind their thoughts, people's real soul, not face which we are using like actor's face, like a mask.i think that with new photo cameras u can see people like in theathre, u can fix it so easy, u can make a lot of photos or some delete immediately but with old one, it is more important. Somethimes is better forget on rules, composition, just forget on everything and go with your feels ....sooo, i will try it, i will try to learn how use it, i wanna buy older photo cameras too and enjoy them all)

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