neděle 30. června 2013

Trip around my room

i already had to tidy my room, thanks to exams, working on my bachelor degree (some exams i will have in August too) i didn't have time on cleaning...everywhere on the floor i had books, papers, pillows .....really messy it when i have finally some time, i  did it...
I decided that i will collecting old and interesting keys know i love " the secret gardem" so that was my inspiration for it :)
i found 2 hair pins in vintage style, like from victorian era.... i remember that my friend Romana gave me it year ago....hope that i will not lost it again
next think i found, czech  vintage magazine
i always wanted Jack Daniels t-shirt ....finally.....♥ ...later ganne decorate it and change a bit (spikes...)
my smaller treasure box with vintage earrings.....
my works
when was antique shops in my city, i bougt a lot of leaflets, papers about exhibions ...
some sketches from the time when i was on high school

3 komentáře:

  1. really? u should buy one too :) u can find really cheap on internet for sure...mine was around 3 euro only....but i am gonna made more grunge version :D i bet that this shirt will look good with Lennon sunglasses :-D

  2. Jé, já myslela, že bude spíš tmavý (tmavé dřevo a tmavé barvy), ale vypadá moc hezky. :)

    1. Mě se moc líbí mahagon :) co se týká tmavé barvy, tak přemýšlím o tom, že strop nabarvím na tmavě modrou-až černou....a udělám na ni barvami tečky-hvězdy. Myslím, že by to vypadalo krásně, kdyby se do toho rozsvítil lustr...takové démonické :)


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